Landbased Training
GM Training offers specialized land-based training services tailored to the unique needs of the industry. Our comprehensive programs are designed to support golf courses, landscapers, and farmers in livestock, arable, pig, and poultry sectors, as well as growers in horticultural and agricultural fields. We provide practical training in the use of equipment such as chainsaws, strimmers, brushcutters, 360° and 180° excavators, forklifts, tractors, ride-on and pedestrian mowers, and quad bikes/ATVs. Our courses also cover essential skills such as pesticide application (PA1, PA2, PA6), abrasive wheels operation, first aid, manual handling, and fire safety, ensuring you are fully equipped to enhance productivity and meet industry standards. Whether you're managing a golf course, maintaining landscapes, or operating a farm, GM Training provides the expertise needed to excel in your field.
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